검색 팝업창



    TAC-450-340 IMU

    Photonic Inertial Measurement Unit

    TAC-450-340 Photonic Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) (Non-ITAR)

    Versatile, Highly Accurate Photonic FOG-based IMU for Demanding Autonomous and Manned Applications

    The new TAC-450-340 inertial measurement unit (IMU) is a versatile, high-performance, non-ITAR IMU featuring photonic integrated chip (PIC) technology for robust performance and survivability. It also offers inertial-grade MEMS accelerometers for excellent performance for autonomous and manned platforms. The TAC-450-340 IMU integrates easily into the most demanding applications including autonomous vehicle navigation and positioning; unmanned aerial surveillance, surveying and mapping; humanoid robots; and oil and gas pipeline inspection equipment.


    • Compact with improved SWaP
    • Your choice of 2g, 10g, 16g and 30g inertial-grade MEMS accelerometers
    • Outstanding resistance to shock and vibration

    Technology Details

    Photonic Integrated Chip Technology
    EMCORE’s photonic integrated chip (PIC) technology* reimagines FOG technology by replacing individual fiber components with an innovative integrated planar optic chip. This results in a FOG with PIC Inside™ that’s reliable and robust. With three of these integrated photonic gyros at its core, the TAC-450-340 IMU provides the safe, accurate performance autonomous platforms demand.

    PIC Inside

    State-of-the-art Electronics
    EMCORE’s Dual Core DSP electronics with ARM processor requires less power for extended product life and offers higher speed with integrated multi-channel processing. Low-loss optical circuits use less light for greater efficiency.


    Developer’s Kit for Rapid Integration
    The FOG/IMU Developer’s Kit includes easy-to-use software that accelerates your IMU and FOG integration, development, and interface efforts.

    Your Choice of Inertial-grade Accelerometers
    The TAC-450-340 IMU is available with your choice of 2g,10g, 16g, and 30g high-end inertial-grade MEMS accelerometers to further enhance your application’s performance.