검색 팝업창


    AR Modular RF


    The Model AR-35 is a portable, lightweight, waterproof, fully automatic band-switching RF booster amplifier for multi-band VHF/UHF Tactical Radio equipment employing legacy, proprietary and emerging waveforms.
    AR-35 35 Watts PEP, 30 - 512 MHz, Tx/Rx Booster Amplifier.  Download Full Data Sheet   The Model AR-35 is a portable, lightweight, waterproof, fully automatic band-switching RF booster amplifier for multi-band VHF/UHF Tactical Radio equipment employing legacy, proprietary and emerging waveforms. The amplifier covers the frequency band of 30-512 MHz using six high speed auto switching filters to assure harmonic suppression and is SINCGARS, HAVE QUICK, and ECCM compatible. The amplifier includes Voltage Spike Suppression, RF sensing, T/R switching, Automatic Level Control (ALC), six automatically switched harmonic filter bands (DAMA capable), and protection against antenna mismatch and over-temperature. Protection against accidental polarity reversal is also provided. Low current on standby due to “sleep mode” greatly extends battery life in field use. The amplifier comprises a rugged submersible 2-piece aluminum case. Optional Broadband Antenna, cables and tactical vest pouch are available.The amplifier covers the frequency band of 30-512 MHz using six high speed auto switching filters to assure harmonic suppression and is SINCGARS, HAVE QUICK, and ECCM compatible. The amplifier includes Voltage Spike Suppression, RF sensing, T/R switching, Automatic Level Control (ALC), six automatically switched harmonic filter bands (DAMA capable), and protection against antenna mismatch and over-temperature. The unit may be powered from a single XX90 or similar batteries; or 12 and 24 VDC vehicle power. Protection against accidental polarity reversal is also provided. Low current on standby due to “sleep mode” greatly extends battery life in field use. The amplifier comprises a rugged submersible 2-piece aluminum case. Optional Broadband Antenna, cables and tactical vest pouch are available.