검색 팝업창


    Amplifier Module


    The Model KAA2030M11 is a special-purpose, RF power amplifier at the frequency of 500 KHz. No tuning, band switching, or adjustments of any kind are required to operate this unit. Power output is in excess of 300 Watts into a 50-Ohm load.
    KAA2030-M11 300 Watts, 500 kHz, RF Amplifier  Download Full Data Sheet   The Model KAA2030M11 is a special-purpose, RF power amplifier at the frequency of 500 KHz. No tuning, band switching, or adjustments of any kind are required to operate this unit. Power output is in excess of 300 Watts into a 50-Ohm load. Construction of this model is in a 5¼-inch high cabinet, 16 inches deep, exclusive of handles, and 10.5 inches wide, with mounting flanges. Input and output connectors are located on the rear. Forced-air cooling is by a highly reliable, tube-axial fan mounted at the rear. Protection against excessive heat rise of the amplifier module heatsink is by a temperature-sensing switch that interrupts the gate bias supply to the amplifier devices when activated. Operation resumes automatically when temperature has returned to normal operating temperature.