검색 팝업창


    High Power / Low Noise Amplfier

    RF Front Ends

    An RF front end module is the section of electronics between the antenna section and the conversion stage. In modern RF and Microwave systems this section is extremely important as it includes some of the most relevant hardware items that determine the ge




    An RF front end module is the section of electronics between the antenna section and the conversion stage. In modern RF and Microwave systems this section is extremely important as it includes some of the most relevant hardware items that determine the general performance of the system. In Tx chains, the insertion losses and the efficiency of the power amplifier(s) are key to determine overall system power consumption and RF transmitted power. In Rx chains, the Noise Figure (NF) and insertion losses before the first low-noise amplifier (LNA) determines the overall system sensitivity. Finally, both chains can converge in a single antenna, or are quite close to one another, making isolation between them and the protection of the receiver section a key point.

    ERZIA designs and manufactures RF front ends to customer specifications and for operation in extreme environments. ERZIA’s broad design base of individual components such as amplifiers, filters, converters, switches, etc., use the best technology for each key feature making it ideal for RADAR or SATCOM applications. ERZIA offers a wide range of RF front end designs and implementations, from drop-in packages to robust outdoor housings, including the waveguide and SSPA assemblies.

    RF Bands: 

    X-Band, Ka Band, Q/V Bands

    Key Technologies: 

    Suspended Substrate filters
    Fast digital switching
    Mechanical Waveguide Integration