검색 팝업창





    → Configurable EDAC scheme up to rad-hard level protection to SEEs
    → Innovative AI-driven circuitry for power saving and extended device lifespan
    → 16 performance levels for most energy-efficient utilisation
    → Reliable and consistent with unlimited on-orbit reconfiguration
    → Radiation tolerant suitable for LEO and upgradable for MEO, GEO and deep space missions.

    Pulsar is a world-class edge computing module offering power efficient ultra-high-speed data processing of both conventional algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) models.
    With 20 Gbps internal data bandwidth and 90 TOPS peak AI performance, this device will deliver powerful and timely processing in a small form factor and power consumption.
    A unique range of 16 computing levels means power is never overspent and computation time is always optimal.
    Another key benefit is a configurable Error Detection and Correction (EDAC) scheme providing lower power, rad-hard level (default) integrity checks of critical data such as ML weights, bootup parameters and more. The scheme trades off reliability, power consumption and computational latency with simplicity through selectable settings.
    Custom and third-party libraries can be installed through a software interface to run a variety of models with leading AI frameworks such as Keras, TensorFlow, Pytorch, ONNX, OpenVINO, Caffe2 and more.