검색 팝업창



    Spatial OEM

    OEM version of miniature GPS aided inertial navigation system and AHRS that provides accurate position, velocity, acceleration and orientation under the most demanding conditions


    Spatial is a miniature GNSS-aided INS that provides accurate position, velocity, acceleration, and orientation under the most demanding conditions.

    Roll & Pitch  0.1 °
    Heading (GNSS)  0.2 °
    Bias Instability  3 °/hr
    Position Accuracy  20 mm


    Spatial | Miniature GNSSITAR FREE

    Spatial combines temperature calibrated accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, and a pressure sensor with an advanced GNSS receiver. These are coupled in an AI-based fusion algorithm to deliver the most reliable and accurate navigation data in its class. Spatial is available in both OEM and rugged packages. Spatial is compatible with our post-processing kinematic (PPK) software Kinematica.



    AI | GNSS

    AI Navigation Algorithm

    Spatial features Advanced Navigation’s revolutionary AI neural network sensor fusion algorithm. This provides an accuracy of up to 10 times that of a traditional Kalman filter. It was designed for control applications and has a high level of health monitoring and instability prevention to ensure stable and reliable data.

    High Performance MEMS

    Spatial contains high performance MEMS sensors that are put through Advanced Navigation's intensive 8 hour temperature calibration process. This provides the highest accuracy possible from this sensor class and outputs consistent accuracy over the full temperature range from -40°C to 85°C.


    Spatial has been designed from the ground up for mission critical control applications where reliability is very important. It is built on top of a safety oriented real time operating system and all software is designed and tested to safety standards with fault tolerance in mind. The hardware is designed and manufactured to mil standards.

    Multi Constellation RTK GNSS

    Spatial's GNSS receiver supports GPS, GLONASS and BeiDou. The extra constellations provides higher availability of GNSS reception and better performance in difficult environments such as urban canyons. It supports RTK for real time 1cm position accuracy as well as PPK for post processed 1cm position accuracy.

    High Update Rate

    Spatial's internal filter runs at 1000Hz and data can also be output at this rate over high speed RS232. This allows for control of dynamically unstable platforms. Spatial is also highly tolerant of dynamic movement and vibration with advanced filters designed for these applications.